Governor O'Malley and Lt. Governor Brown Issue Statement Applauding Team Maryland for $10 Million in BRAC Investments

Press Release

Date: Sept. 9, 2014
Location: Annapolis, MD

Governor Martin O'Malley and Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown today issued the following statement applauding the Maryland Congressional Delegation for providing $10 million in federal funding to advance the MD 175 widening project at Fort George G. Meade toward construction:

"Once more, Team Maryland is delivering on the State's top priority to meet the growing needs of the tens of thousands of military jobs created by BRAC. The MD 175 widening project will break a major bottleneck and unlock a critical link between schools, communities, local businesses and Fort Meade -- one of the State's largest employers. With this important investment, we are improving our transportation infrastructure, creating jobs and strengthening Maryland's military readiness. Thanks to the entire Congressional Delegation, working together, Maryland is building one of the strongest transportation networks in the region. Team Maryland understands that investing in transportation is key to creating jobs and expanding opportunity for years to come."
